

Sorry for the lack of posts!

    I've been busy playing Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. It's my first time playing through, and it's fun, despite me knowing most of the story beats already. I made it all the way to Chapter 5 before stopping, and I will continue my playthrough tomorrow. I will talk about my thoughts on the game so far (Spoiler-Free!!):

    All the character designs in this game are either creative twists on existing Mario enemies or new designs that fit into the world. The art style of this game is like a comic book, and it's just lovely. The animations are inspiring me for sure~

    The battle system and balancing are very well-thought-out aspects of this game, and it's fun finding out how to do all the actions. Also, I'm not an expert, but the Quake Hammer Badge is extremely useful for battles. Also, you should never underestimate your partner!

    My ONLY gripe with this game is the backtracking... It's not that bad... there's just a LOT of it. If you play this game, expect a lot of it, but otherwise, it's very fun and I definitely get why it's a lot of peoples' favorite in the series. Personally, Super Paper Mario is still my favorite for its story and music, but who knows, that might change by the time I finish this game~